Repo: dcape-app-pg-backup
Postgresql database backup application package for dcape v3.
Docker image used
- dcape v1: none (used running dcape_db container)
- dcape v2: internally built image with name stored in ${DCAPE_COMPOSE} drone var
- dcape v3: dcape-compose (cron uses running dcape_db container)
- Fork this repo in your Git service
- Setup deploy hook
- Run “Test delivery” (config sample will be created in dcape)
- Edit and save config (enable deploy etc)
- Run “Test delivery” again (app will be installed and started on webhook host)
See also: Deploy setup (in Russian)
Direct run
If installed via CI/CD
docker exec -ti pg-backup-cron-1 bash -c 'cd /root && /etc/periodic/daily/'
For custom database
docker exec -it pg-backup-cron-1 bash -c "make -f /root/Makefile backup DB_NAME=pdns"
If installed locally
make backup